BookSmart questions & answers

Booksmart can help you create your own books effortlessly
Question by Lynda
July 14, 2021

I have a book started on 1.9.9 and can't get to it now with the newer version? How do I retrieve all that information.

Usha Kumari
Answer by Usha Kumari

To retrieve your information from BookSmart 1.9.9, you can try exporting your book project as a PDF or other compatible file format from the older version. Then, you can install the newer version of BookSmart and import that file to continue working on your book. If this doesn't work or you encounter any issues, you may need to reach out to BookSmart's customer support for further assistance.

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Alternative downloads

All My Books

Archive, organize, and track your book collection using online ISBN databases.

ArcSoft Print Creations

Print Creations makes it easy to create and print your own photo books.

FlippingBook Photographer

Tool that allows you to create photo albums.